
Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 7

Lesson 3: Jesus the Messiah

Jesus is the Anointed One of God, the Messiah and Christ prophesied in the Old Testament, who came to save the world from sin and death.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 7

Lesson 6: Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Role of King

Jesus fulfills the Old Testament role of king, who was to rule justly according to the law of God. A king was to lead his people into relationship with God and right worship of Him.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 7

Lesson 7: The Paschal Mystery

The Paschal Mystery is how Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection saved us from sin and death for new life as sons and daughters of God.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 2

Lesson 2: Divine Revelation

Divine revelation is the body of truths shown to us by God.

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