
Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 2

Lesson 8: The Old and New Testaments

The Old and New Testaments form an organic unity, naturally fitting together and helping us understand the other.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 4 > Unit 4

Lesson 17: The Seventh through Tenth Commandments

The seventh through tenth commandments teach us to respect what belongs to others, tell the truth, and not desire things which belong to others.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 7: Exploring the Kingdom

Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of God on earth because He founded the Catholic Church during His earthly life.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 8: Parables of the Kingdom

Jesus used parables to teach His disciples and the crowds about topics that are difficult to understand.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 9: The Wedding at Cana

Jesus’ miracle at the Wedding at Cana is a sign that helps us understand that He is the Messiah.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 10: The Multiplication of Loaves

The miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes foreshadows the Last Supper and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Lesson 13: Jesus Showed Us God's Love

The Bible, the sacraments, and prayer are three ways we can know God’s love for us and become friends with Him.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 3

Lesson 16: Jesus Chose Twelve Apostles

The Apostles were the first bishops and have started the line of apostolic succession. St. Peter has a place of primacy among the Apostles.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 3

Lesson 17: Jesus Is Our Model of Holiness

Jesus invites us to become His disciples and follow Him by imitating His example, praying as He prays, and serving as He serves.

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