
Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 4

Lesson 19: Jesus Rose from the Dead on Easter Sunday

The Risen Christ is truly Jesus; His body still bears the marks of His Passion, yet He has been changed and now possesses a glorified body, filled with the Holy Spirit and showing forth the full power of God.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 4

Lesson 20: Jesus Ascended into Heaven

After spending 40 days with His disciples, teaching them about the Kingdom, Jesus ascended into Heaven.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 3

Lesson 13: Mary and Joseph

Mary’s yes to God played an instrumental role in our salvation and is an example of obedience to God for all of us.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 1 > Unit 2

Lesson 9: God Loves Us Even though We Sin

God enacted a plan of salvation throughout Salvation History that culminated in the Death and Resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course VI > Unit 1

Chapter 3: Our Response to God's Plan

Living a life of holiness as a disciple of Christ requires us to live a life of witness to Him by sharing with the world our love for Christ by our words and actions.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course III > Unit 2

Chapter 5: The Promise Fulfilled

The whole life of Jesus is a fulfillment of the Old Testament promises and prophecies of salvation.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course I > Unit 4

Chapter 11: The Unity of the Old and New Testaments

Neither the Old nor the New Testament can be understood in isolation from the other. Everything changed with the coming of Jesus and the establishment of the New Covenant.

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course I > Unit 5

Chapter 13: The Gospel of John

John’s Gospel combines biography with deep, prayerful, and theological reflections on the meaning of those events.

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