
Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 13: Mary and Joseph

Mary’s yes to God played an instrumental role in our salvation and is an example of obedience to God for all of us.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 16: Jesus Chose Twelve Apostles

The Apostles were the first bishops and have started the line of apostolic succession. St. Peter has a place of primacy among the Apostles.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 3

Session 17: Jesus Is Our Model of Holiness

Jesus invites us to become His disciples and follow Him by imitating His example, praying as He prays, and serving as He serves.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 4

Session 19: Jesus Rose from the Dead on Easter Sunday

The Risen Christ is truly Jesus; His body still bears the marks of His Passion, yet He has been changed and now possesses a glorified body, filled with the Holy Spirit and showing forth the full power of God.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 4

Session 20: Jesus Ascended into Heaven

After spending 40 days with His disciples, teaching them about the Kingdom, Jesus ascended into Heaven.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Session 7: Exploring the Kingdom

Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of God on earth because He founded the Catholic Church during His earthly life.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Session 8: Parables of the Kingdom

Jesus used parables to teach His disciples and the crowds about topics that are difficult to understand.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 3 > Unit 2

Session 9: The Wedding at Cana

Jesus’ miracle at the Wedding at Cana is a sign that helps us understand that He is the Messiah.

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