Life of Christ

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Kindergarten > Unit 3

Lesson 22: Jesus Founded the Church

Jesus chose St. Peter to lead the Church, and He gave St. Peter the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Kindergarten > Unit 1

Lesson 4: God Is Love and God Loves Us

Good parents love and protect their children; we are God’s children, and He loves and protect us.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Kindergarten > Unit 2

Lesson 12: The Annunciation

God asked Mary to be Jesus’ mother and Mary said yes!

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Kindergarten > Unit 3

Lesson 17: Jesus Had Followers

Jesus’ followers are called disciples, so we are also Jesus’ disciples.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 2

Lesson 15: Jesus Teaches Us to Loe

The cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude and the theological virtues are faith, hope, and love.

Spirit of Truth, Home Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 7

Lesson 30: Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Role of King

Jesus fulfills the Old Testament role of king, who was to rule justly according to the law of God. A king was to lead his people into relationship with God and right worship of Him.

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