Ten Commandments

Spirit of Truth, High School > Course A > Unit 3

Chapter 7: The Exodus

God called Moses to free His people from bondage in Egypt and bring them to the Promised Land.

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > January

Lesson 6: The Great Commandments and the First Three Commandments

The aim of this lesson is for your children to discover that the gift of the Ten Commandments is the gift of God Himself. Obeying the First Commandment means adoring and worshipping God alone. The Second Commandment shows us that we love God by always using His name and the names of His saints with love. The Third Commandment teaches us to keep the Lord’s Day holy.

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > March

Lesson 10: The New Commandment and the Works of Mercy

The aim of this lesson is for your children to learn that, at the Last Supper, Christ gave us the New Commandment, which He declares is the surest sign that we are His disciples. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are also signs given to us by Christ, through His Church, that help us to choose the right way to respond to our brothers and sisters in the human family.

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > January

Lesson 7: The Fourth Commandment and the Domestic Church

The Fourth Commandment teaches children to honor their mother and father, as this is the most basic and universal of all relationships. It also protects God’s beautiful plan for the family, and helps us to understand the relationship that God intended between the family and society. As a community of persons united in faith, and reflecting the creative work of God Our Father, the Christian family rightly is called the “domestic church,” the church of the home.

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > February

Lesson 8: The Fifth and Sixth Commandments

The aim of this lesson is for your children to learn that the Fifth Commandment tells us to acknowledge all life as a God-given gift. Keeping the Fifth Commandment not only means respecting physical life, but also the life of the soul, and safeguarding the dignity of all human persons. Your children will also learn that the Sixth Commandment requires us to be pure in the use of our sexuality. In creating man and woman in His image and likeness, God designed them to be a reflection of the intimate, free, and loving communion that is at the heart of the Trinity.

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > February

Lesson 9: The Seventh through the Tenth Commandments

Your children will learn that the Seventh Commandment tells us we are not to take what is due to others. The Eighth Commandment speaks to us of living a life faithful to the truth. In the Ninth and Tenth Commandments, we are forbidden from desiring someone impurely and desiring what belongs to another.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 3

Lesson 2: What is Morality?

Morality is the quality of our actions whereby they are right or wrong.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 3

Lesson 3: Freedom and Choice: The Human Person

There is no freedom except in service of what is good and just; because we are free to make choices, we are responsible for those choices.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 3

Lesson 5: The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments have their fullest meaning in the context of covenant.

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