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Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 4 > Unit 7

Session 33: My Saintly Vocation

Vocations, or calls to various states of life, are not something received only by a select few. Rather, God calls each and every one of us to be holy.

Spirit of Truth, Classic Edition > Grade 2 > Unit 8

Lesson 5: Jesus Is Present within Us by Grace

Grace is the free, undeserved help that God gives us to respond to His call to become His adopted sons and daughters, and sharers in His divine and eternal life.

Spirit of Truth, Classic Edition > Grade 4 > Unit 7

Lesson 4: Saintly Dinner Party

The saints give numerous examples of just how rich and varied the call to holiness looks among the members of the Church.

Spirit of Truth, Classic Edition > Grade 4 > Unit 7

Lesson 5: Three Saint Stories

Students will learn about the lives of St. Dominic Savio, St. André Bessette, and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne.

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