Christmas Around the World

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Lesson Overview

Activity to have students work in pairs or small groups to create an informative “gift box” of a particular country’s Christmas traditions.

Prepared by Michael McLaughlin

Lesson Materials

Lesson Details

Subject area(s): Geography, Religion

Grade Level: High School, Middle School, Elementary

Resource Type: Craft, Research Project

Special Learners

This resource was developed with the following special learners in mind:

  • Traditional Classroom
  • Homeschooled Students

Lesson Plan

Have students work in pairs or small groups to create an informative “gift box” of a particular country’s Christmas traditions. Each group would need a square box with 8 to 12 inch sides. Each panel on the box could address a different question with text and illustration (the rubric practically writes itself).

For example:

  1. Top Panel - information about the country (name, capital, what continent is it on)
  2. Side panel 1 - What is one Christmas custom/tradition that families may practice in this country (perhaps even one that originated in that country)? (I.e. Christmas Trees in Germany or the Crèche in Italy)
  3. Side panel 2 - What is a traditional Christmas food in this country?
  4. Side panel 3 - What is a traditional Christmas song in this country? Include a QR code with a link to the song
  5. Side panel 4 - Include a representation of the Nativity created by an artist from your assigned country and include the country’s words for: Mary, Joseph, Jesus, shepherd, angel, baby
  6. Bottom Panel - List of resources/citations 

Lastly, inside the box, the students could include a representation of something that they believe represents one of (or several of) the gifts that the individual country brings to the world community.

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