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Lectio Divina

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Lesson Overview

Summer is a great time to relax, to enjoy the outdoors, and to be with friends and family. It is also a great chance to spend some time in prayer. This lesson contains an essay describing Lectio Divina and a guide to help your students continue to read the Sunday Gospels over the summer and pray using Lectio Divina.

Lesson Materials


  1. Send the Lectio Divina Essay home with your students to read with their parents or on their own. You may also read it together in class before your students leave for summer vacation to help them understand the steps of Lectio Divina.
  2. Give your students the Lectio Divina Guide to use over summer vacation. Challenge them to read the Sunday Gospel every week and to spend a few minutes praying with it using this guide.
  3. Have a great summer!


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