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Palm Sunday

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Lesson Overview

The Gospel for Palm Sunday contains the entire Passion narrative. When we hear it proclaimed, we are meant to journey with Christ as He takes up His Cross and gives His life for us. In this lesson, students will meditate on Jesus’ Passion through the words of the Gospel and sacred art.

Lesson Materials

Gospel Reflection

The Gospel reading this week is the Passion narrative from Mark 14:1–15:47, which can be found at SophiaOnline.org/PalmSunday2024


  1. First, download Christ’s Passion in Sacred Art PowerPoint available for free at the following link: SophiaInstituteforTeachers.org/lent-supplement.
  2. Create a prayerful atmosphere in your classroom or, if possible, take your students to a chapel.
  3. Read aloud the full Gospel reading (Mark 14:1–15:47) together as a class. Consider having student readers take turns reading.
  4. Project the images of Christ’s Passion from Christ’s Passion in Sacred Art PowerPoint as you read through the account of the Passion. Noted next to each image is a line from the Gospel reading that indicates when to begin projecting that new image.
  5. Give students a few minutes of silence when each new image is projected to allow reflection on it in their own hearts.
  6. When finished, have students choose one of the images that stood out to them and write a brief paragraph about what God might be speaking to them through it.

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