The Greatest In The Kingdom – Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lesson Overview

In this week’s Gospel passage Jesus corrects His disciples when they argue about who among them is the greatest. Jesus points to the innocent joy of a child as the model for entry into the Kingdom of God. In this lesson, students will consider what it means to be the greatest in the Kingdom and create rules for greatness in the Kingdom of God.

Lesson Materials

Activity Part I, Gospel Reading  

  1. Read the Gospel passage aloud to your students as they follow along. Then discuss the focus and reflection questions with them as a class.

Focus Questions

Lower Elementary Gospel Reading, Mark 9:30-37

  1. What did Jesus teach His disciples about as they travelled to Galilee? Jesus taught about how He would have to suffer, die, and rise again on the third day. This is the second prediction of His Passion and Resurrection. He taught the same thing in last week’s Gospel. 
  2. What were the disciples arguing about? The disciples were arguing about which of them was the greatest
  3. What do you think Jesus meant when He told the disciples “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all”? Accept reasoned answers such as the “greatest” in the Kingdom of God will be those who are humble and selflessly love and serve others rather than themselves.

Activity Part II, Who Is the Greatest

  1. With a partner, in groups, or as a class, help your students create a list of five ways they can love and serve others in the Kingdom of God using the Who Is the Greatest? worksheet. 

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