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Lesson 3

Made in His Image, but Fallen from Grace

Your children will begin to learn what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God. We also begin to see the story of creation unfold: the Original Sin of Adam and Eve lost for them and all humanity the friendship and harmony they shared with God, each other, and all of creation. But although man offended God, God’s mercy never faded. He promised a Redeemer and entered into covenants with mankind.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Immortal Soul
    The spiritual part of a human person that gives life to the body. It will live forever. It is what allows us to know, choose freely, and love.
  • Original Holiness
    (n.): The state of friendship with God enjoyed by Adam and Eve before their sin brought pain, suffering and death into the world.
  • Original Justice
    Original Justice was the state of perfect relationship with God and each other in which Adam and Eve lived before the Fall.
  • Grace
    Grace is the free gift of God’s love and life in our souls that is given to us by the Holy Spirit.
  • Original Sin
    The first sin of Adam and Eve, which brought pain, suffering, and death into the world. Because we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, we are all born with Original Sin on our souls. We need to be baptized to remove the stain of Original Sin. The effects of Original Sin remain, however. For example, we tend to sin, we suffer, and we die.
  • Beatific Vision
    Seeing God face-to-face in Heaven.
  • Salvation History
    The story of God’s love and mercy revealed to us throughout human history. The most important moment of Salvation History is Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead which won for us salvation from sin and death.
  • Covenant
    A covenant is a solemn agreement between persons that makes a sacred and permanent family relationship.
  • Advent
    The season that begins the liturgical year. It is a time when we prepare ourselves for the Incarnation and the birth of Jesus, our King, on Christmas day. We also prepare for His Second Coming at the end of time. This season is represented by the color violet, or purple, which represents penance and humility.
  • Prophet
    A prophet is someone who speaks for God.
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