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Spirit of Truth, High School

Course D

Course D Teacher’s Guide

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God calls every person to a vocation in life. All are called live a life of holiness in imitation of Christ, and each of us is called to a permanent state in life by which we are to live out our call to holiness in service to others: marriage, ordained priesthood, or consecrated religious life.


1God's Calling to Every Person

There is no part of you that has ever or will ever be hidden from God. From all eternity, He saw everything about you, and He has always loved you. It is because of His love that you exist. He loved you into existence, and His love continues to hold you in existence. His being sustains your being, and His grace surrounds you, offering you help in every moment of the day. God is as interested and as involved in your life now as He was the moment He created you. Nothing that you have done in all the intervening years has changed that. And nothing ever will. For this reason, no matter how uninterested in God you may feel, no matter how angry you might be at Him, no matter how much you ignore Him, disobey Him, or reject Him, He will not abandon you. He has a plan just for you—a plan that will fulfill you and bring you joy for all eternity. He wants you to know that plan, and He wants you to say yes to it. That plan and your yes to it is what this course is about: God’s calling to you.

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2Our Vocation to Serve God and One Another

God calls each of us to a vocation of love: love of God and love of neighbor. He calls us to love as He loves, that is, to give of ourselves to one another. The greatest demonstration of God’s love is Christ’s free sacrifice on the Cross, which Jesus taught us to imitate. In this vocation of love, we build the Kingdom of God.

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3The Vocation to Marriage

In many ways, the story of Salvation History is a love story. It is the story of God creating us out of love, losing us to sin, and then pursuing us through time to win us back. The Bible, in fact, is filled with this sort of marital imagery. Marriage was designed by God at the creation of the world, to be both a natural help and supernatural help to men and women. It teaches us about ourselves— about how we are to live and love in this world. And it teaches us about God—about who He is and how He loves. It is for these reasons that marriage is a vocation, a holy calling that not only helps us grow in holiness, but also equips us to help others grow in holiness.

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4The Vocation to Ordained Priesthood

Jesus Christ is our one true high priest. On the night before He died, Jesus tasked His Apostles with carrying out His mission in the world in a special way. They were to proclaim the Gospel, celebrate the Eucharist, and care for the souls Christ had won for the Father. They were to share in the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ, continuing His mission in time, and signifying to the world His abiding presence in the Church. Today, this mission continues to be carried out through those men called to the Sacrament of Holy Orders.

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5The Vocation to Consecrated Religious Life

Some women and men are called to consecrated religious life. To many, this vocation is the most difficult to understand. They might wonder why someone would want to sacrifice a life with a spouse and children, or the opportunity to be a public sign of Christ and administer the Sacraments, for a life that seems set apart, isolated, and even confusing. But the truth is that those called to consecrated religious life are called to a life that is wonderfully unique and special: they sacrifice married life or the priesthood to live exclusively for the Kingdom of God. A consecrated religious lives the union with Christ now that awaits the rest of us in Heaven. So, while it may seem a consecrated person gives up so much that others have, they do so only to gain so much more.

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