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Lesson 5

Forms of Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue

When we engage in interreligious dialogue, the Church calls us to acknowledge, preserve, and encourage the good spiritual and moral things in others, always with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian life.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Indifferentism
    (n.): The post-Baptismal denial that we are called to practice the one true religion, and instead believing wrongly that it does not matter what religion one practices.
  • Dialogue of Theological Exchange
    (n.): A type of interreligious dialogue in which specialists discuss their respective religious heritages in an effort to achieve greater mutual understanding.
  • Dialogue of Life
    (n.): A term for being together with people of different religious traditions in leisure or at work.
  • Dialogue of Action
    (n.): A term describing Christians and non- Christians working alongside one another for the common good of society.
  • Dialogue of Religious Experience
    (n.): A term describing the practice of attending non-Catholic worship services to observe how that religion’s adherents pray and worship.
  • Interreligious Prayer
    (n.): A form of prayer between Christians and non-Christians. Catholics should not participate in interreligious prayer.
  • Ecumenical Prayer
    (n.): Prayer among Christians of various traditions. Within some limits, Catholics can pray with other Christians who are not Catholic.
  • First Commandment
    (n.): “You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.” The First Commandment forbids honoring gods other than the one Lord who has revealed Himself to His people.
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