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Lesson 5

Images of the Church in the New Testament

The Church is the Body of Christ: a complex spiritual and physical reality that makes Jesus visible to the world in and through her many members, who each build up the Church by their unique gifts and talents.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Vocation
    (n.): A call from God to a permanent state of life: ordained priesthood, consecrated religious life, or Marriage. All people have the vocation from God to love and to be holy.
  • Bride of Christ
    (n.): Title for the Church that reflects how her Bridegroom, Jesus, gave Himself up for her.
  • Complementarity
    (n.): The relationship between two different persons or things in which each complements (enhances, emphasizes, or makes more complete) the qualities of the other, with their union producing something greater than either could be alone. God created man and woman to be complementary to one another to make for a deeper and more profound union.
  • Temple of the Holy Spirit
    (n.): A title for the Church that describes her as the dwelling place of God. In the Old Testament, God first dwelled in the tabernacle and later in the Temple of Solomon. In the New Covenant, God dwells within our hearts, making our bodies temples of the Holy Spirit, and He dwells within the Body of Christ, the Church.
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