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Lesson 8

The Church is Holy

The Church has both a divine and human dimension.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Holy
    (n.): Set apart by God and partaking in His life.
  • Saint
    (n.): A holy person who leads a life in union with God through the grace of Christ and receives the reward of eternal life, or Heaven.
  • Communion of Saints
    (n.): The unity in Christ of all the redeemed, those souls in Heaven who enjoy the Beatific Vision, those souls in Purgatory enduring purification, and those souls on earth still working out their salvation.
  • Church Triumphant
    (n.): Those members of the Church who enjoy the Beatific Vision in Heaven.
  • Church Suffering
    (n.): Those members of the Church undergoing purification in Purgatory before their entry into Heaven.
  • Church Militant
    (n.): Those members of the Church still working out their salvation by waging the battle against sin here on earth.
  • Intercession
    (n.): Prayer for the needs of others.
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