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Lesson 12

The Offices of the Church

The three offices, or functions, of the Church are teaching, sanctifying, and governing.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Offices of the Church
    (n.): Functions or responsibilities entrusted to the Church by Jesus. In her earthly dimension, she has three particular functions: teaching, sanctifying, and governing.
  • Ex Cathedra
    (adv.): A phrase describing a pope’s definitive and infallible teaching as being given from his authority as the successor of St. Peter. Latin for “from the chair.”
  • Encyclical
    (n.): A pastoral letter written by the pope and sent to the whole Church and even to the whole world, to express Church teaching on some important matter. Encyclicals are expressions of the ordinary papal Magisterium.
  • Indefectible
    (adj.): Not subject to failure or decay. The Church is indefectible — she will endure until the end of time.
  • Hierarchy of Truths
    (n.): The order (hierarchy) of the truths in Catholic doctrine, insofar as they vary in their relation to the central mystery and foundation of the Christian Faith, which is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. All the truths of the hierarchy are equally true.
  • Deposit of Faith
    (n.): The full content of divine revelation communicated by Christ, contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed on in the Church from the time of the Apostles, and from which the Magisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed.
  • Precepts of the Church
    (n.): The minimum requirement for Christian living. The precepts are: to attend Mass and to rest from servile work on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, to confess our sins to a priest at least once a year, to receive our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist at least once a year during the Easter season, to observe the days of abstinence and fasting, and to contribute to the support of the Church.
  • Sanctifying Grace
    (n.): The free and undeserved gift of a share in God’s own life. It is a stable disposition, which means we remain in a state of grace unless we lose the divine life through mortal sin. We first receive sanctifying grace at Baptism, it is strengthened through the other Sacraments, and restored through the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
  • Venial Sin
    (n.): Less serious sin that hurts our relationship with God, but does not destroy it.
  • Mortal Sin
    (n.): Serious sin we choose to commit even though we know it is wrong. Mortal sin completely separates us from God, destroys His divine life within us, and rejects His love for us.
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