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Lesson 6

The Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation

In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit descends on the disciple and empowers him or her to heroically live the Faith.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Supernatural
    (adj.): Of origins beyond our senses or the laws of nature.
  • Law of Moses
    (n.): Divine precepts contained in the Torah, or first five books of the Bible.
  • Messiah
    (n.): The Hebrew word for “anointed one” and the title given to the Savior God promised to the people of Israel.
  • Pentecost
    (n.): The day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles and the Church was born. Fifty days after Jesus’ Resurrection (10 days after His Ascension into Heaven), Mary and the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room and were filled with the Holy Spirit, who came in a rush of wind and appeared as tongues of fire over their heads.
  • New Law
    (n.): The law of the New Covenant established by Jesus, found especially in the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount and the two great commandments. It is the perfection here on earth of the Divine Law, natural and revealed.
  • Confirmand
    (n.): The person who is to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Eastern Church
    (n.): The term for various Catholic rites who trace their foundations to patriarchies other than Rome, for example Byzantine, Melkite, and others. While the liturgies and rituals in these Churches look and sound very different from the Ordinary Form of the Mass celebrated in the West, these churches are in full communion with the pope.
  • Chrismation
    (n.): Name for Confirmation in Eastern rite Catholic churches.
  • Western Church
    (n.): The Roman or Latin rite of the Catholic Church. The majority of the world’s Catholics belong to the Western Church.
  • Anoint
    (v.): To rub or mark with oil.
  • Consecrated
    (adj.): Set apart as holy.
  • Chrism
    (n.): Fragrant, blessed oil used to anoint the recipients of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, and used to bless the altar and walls of a church building. Chrism is also called myron in the Eastern Churches.
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