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Lesson 22

The Parting of the Red Sea and the Ten Commandments

Through Moses, God leads the Israelites to freedom from slavery in Egypt by parting the waters of the Red Sea and destroying Pharaoh’s army.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Beatitude
    Happiness or fulfillment. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave the Beatitudes as the perfection of the Ten Commandments. They teach us how to be truly happy, or reach human perfection and fulfillment which we ultimately find in Heaven. (1711, 1725, 1726, 1975)
  • Exodus
    Greek for “way or path for leaving.” In the Old Testament, God called Moses to be His prophet and lead the Israelites, His Chosen People, out of slavery in Egypt to new life in the Promised Land.
  • Ten Commandments
    Laws of love God gave to Moses for the people of Israel to teach them how to love God and one another. They are an expression of the eternal law of God and help us to resist temptation and avoid sin. They are the foundation of the Christian moral life.
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