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Lesson 3

Jesus Called Many Followers (Disciples) and Chose Twelve Apostles

The Apostles were the first bishops and have started the line of apostolic succession. St. Peter has a place of primacy among the Apostles.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Disciple
    A disciple is a student or follower. Jesus had many disciples.
  • Apostle
    An Apostle is one who is sent. Jesus called twelve men to be His Apostles.
  • Apostolic Succession
    (n.): The handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors, the bishops, through the laying on of hands, as a permanent office in the Church.
  • Pope
    (n.): The successor of St. Peter as bishop of Rome and Supreme Pontiff of the universal Catholic Church. The pope exercises a primacy of authority as the vicar of Christ on earth and the shepherd of the whole Church.
  • Bishop
    (n.): A successor to the Apostles, who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. He is the leader of a particular church, or diocese, entrusted to him.
  • Diocese
    A geographic area of the Church that is led by a bishop. Each diocese is made up of many parishes
  • Parish
    A local community of Christian faithful led by a pastor (the leader of the parish) and priests. In our parishes, we receive the Sacraments and all of God’s gifts, everything we need to know, love, and serve God.
  • Priest
    A priest is a co-worker with his bishop. He preaches the Gospel of Christ and makes the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist, available to the People of God.
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