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Lesson 7

When We Disobey God, We Must Ask for Forgiveness and Do Penance

We must examine our consciences, confess our sins, do penance, and be forgiven.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Conscience
    Conscience is a judgment of reason by which we recognize right and wrong. It is the voice of God speaking within us that guides us to do good and avoid evil.
  • Sin
    A sin is something that we say, do, think, or fail to do that does not love God, our neighbor, or ourselves, as God has taught us.
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation
    A Sacrament that gives us a chance to confess our sins when we are truly sorry and receive forgiveness from God through a priest. This Sacrament reunites us with God and His Church when we seek forgiveness for our sins. (1493, 1496)
  • Penance
    A penance is an act the priest gives us during the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation to help us repair our relationship with God, His Church, and those whom we may have hurt by our sin.
  • Act of Contrition
    The Act of Contrition is a prayer telling God we are sorry for our sins, we need His help to do better next time, and to remember that Jesus died to save us from sin.
  • Absolution
    Absolution is a special prayer the priest says in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation that absolves, or forgives, our sins with the authority of Jesus.
  • Examination of Conscience
    A prayerful review of what we have done and what we have failed to do that helps us to think about whether we have broken one of the Ten Commandments, or hurt God, His Church, other people, or ourselves.
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