Middle-school students explore Jesus and the Gospel message, with an emphasis on unifying themes in Scripture and an in-depth examination of the four Gospels.
- Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide
- Grade 7 Student Workbook
- Glossary
- Scope and Sequence
- Essential Lesson Plan
- Lesson Planning Chart
- Theology of the Body Correlations
- Grade 7 Copywork Pages (Print and Cursive)
- Absent Student Handouts
- Liturgical Pacing Resources
- Grade 7 Everyday Theology of the Body and Spirit of Truth
- Grade 7 Assessment Schedule
In this unit, we look at what it takes to grow into the saints we are all called to be. This includes Physical, Social, and Spiritual development. In this unit, we explore divine revelation. This includes learning about inspiration, the authority of scripture, the relationship between the Old and New testaments, the life of Christ, as well as an in-depth look at each of the four Gospels. In this unit, we learn about the history and effects of all of the seven Sacraments. In this unit, we look at the history, efficacy, and various forms of prayer.