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Lesson 1

The Nature and Mission of the Catholic Church

We study the history of the Church so that we can learn about our identity as Christians, why we are who we are, and to inform our future, built upon the successes, wisdom, and traditions of the past.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Ecclesia
    Latin word used to describe “the Church.” From the Greek word ekklesia which means “to call out of.” This word was used in the Greek translation of Old Testament to describe the People of God, whom He had called out of the human race and gathered to Himself. The earliest Christians used the word to describe themselves because they understood that they were the assembly of people called together by God.
  • Qahal
    Hebrew for “assembly” or “congregation.” It is one of the first words used in the Old Testament to describe the People of God, the Chosen People whom He had called out or assembled in His name. The qahal of the Old Testament was the seed of the Church in the New Testament, which God intended to build from the beginning. (777, 810)
  • Church
    The community of disciples founded by Jesus that will exist until the end of time. The Church is at the same time human and divine. It is the gathering of God’s people, whom He calls, on earth and it is the mystical Body of Christ. The Church is also the Temple of the Holy Spirit, who gives life to the Body of Christ and unites its members.
  • Church Militant
    Those members of the Church who are working out their salvation here on earth.
  • Church Suffering
    Those who have died and are being purified of their sin in Purgatory and will one day be in Heaven with God.
  • Church Triumphant
    Those who have died and are in Heaven with God and all His angels and saints.
  • Priest
    Co-workers with their bishops who serve the faithful by building up and guiding the Church. Priests preach the Gospel of Christ and act in the person of Christ when they administer the Sacraments to the People of God, especially the Holy Eucharist. The task of a priest in the Old Testament was to guard and protect God’s dwelling place, the tabernacle, and to serve Him.
  • Prophet
    In the Old Testament, the prophets were God’s spokespersons who made known God’s message to His people. They proclaimed hope and salvation to the people if they would repent and worship God. Jesus fulfills this role not by speaking for God, but because He is God. He did God’s will throughout His life and spoke God’s truth to the people. He revealed God to the people and taught about God’s law and love. (2) One of the original roles God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden. The task of a prophet in the Old Testament was to speak on God’ behalf and be His spokesperson. Adam was given the job of naming all of the animals, a right reserved for their creator. Adam, then, was God’s spokesperson and acted as the first prophet.
  • King
    In the Old Testament, kings were to rule justly according to the law of God. They were to lead His people into relationship with God and right worship of Him. Jesus fulfills this role by establishing the Kingdom of God on earth and by teaching the law of God by which all will be judged. Jesus taught us to love God and to love our neighbor, He gave us the Beatitudes to teach us how to be happy or fulfilled in the Kingdom, and He taught us the works of mercy as the way to live out the law of God in His Kingdom. One of the original roles God gave to Adam in the Garden of Eden. A king has dominion, or rules over, his kingdom and its subjects. God gave Adam dominion over all of creation. Adam, then, was the first king.
  • Liturgy
    Our public worship as Christians. The Mass is the greatest example and model of the liturgy.
  • Hierarchy
    The hierarchy is the leadership of the Church. The pope is the head of the Church on earth and the bishop of Rome. He works together with all of the world’s bishops to teach all that Jesus commanded and make disciples of all the world.
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