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Dignity of Life

A Family of Faith > Volume 3 > February

Lesson 8: The Fifth and Sixth Commandments

The aim of this lesson is for your children to learn that the Fifth Commandment tells us to acknowledge all life as a God-given gift. Keeping the Fifth Commandment not only means respecting physical life, but also the life of the soul, and safeguarding the dignity of all human persons. Your children will also learn that the Sixth Commandment requires us to be pure in the use of our sexuality. In creating man and woman in His image and likeness, God designed them to be a reflection of the intimate, free, and loving communion that is at the heart of the Trinity.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > November

Lesson 3: Made in His Image, but Fallen from Grace

Your children will begin to learn what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God. We also begin to see the story of creation unfold: the Original Sin of Adam and Eve lost for them and all humanity the friendship and harmony they shared with God, each other, and all of creation. But although man offended God, God’s mercy never faded. He promised a Redeemer and entered into covenants with mankind.

A Family of Faith > Volume 1 > October

Lesson 2: In God, the Father Almighty

Children begin to understand the mystery of God and how we can know Him, His divine attributes, and
the Trinity. Your children also begin to enter into the “story” of God’s great plan as we examine God the Creator and His creation.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 6 > Unit 3

Lesson 2: The Story of Creation

The story of creation in Genesis is not meant to be science, but rather it communicates important truths about God and humanity.

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