
Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 5 > Unit 8

Lesson 26: Sacraments at the Service of Communion

The recipients of the Sacraments at the Service of Communion, Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony, are given the grace by Jesus to serve others and help lead them to Salvation in order to build up the People of God.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 5 > Unit 8

Lesson 27: The Sacrament of Matrimony in Salvation History

The Bible begins with the first marriage of the original man and woman and ends with a vision of the wedding feast of the Lamb, Jesus, who is united for all eternity with His Bride, His Church.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 5 > Unit 8

Lesson 29: The Goods of Marriage

God’s love for us has four components or parts: it is free, total and self-giving, faithful, and fruitful.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 7 > Unit 3

Session 29: The Story of Holy Matrimony

The essential features of divine love that shape married love are fidelity, self-sacrifice, and generativity.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 4

Session 29: Expressions of Love

Jesus shows us the greatest expression of love: giving oneself completely to another, body and soul, and He calls us to love as He loves.

Spirit of Truth, Parish Edition > Grade 8 > Unit 4

Session 30: The Sacrament of Marriage

Marriage is the primordial sacrament in which the union of one man and one woman reveals an integral part of human nature that has been inscribed in our very bodies.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 1 1st Ed. > Unit 4

Lesson 1: What is Prayer?

Prayer comes from our heart, where we encounter God and enter into a conversation with Him.

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