Works of Mercy

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 1

Lesson 5: The Communion of Saints

A saint is a holy person whom the Church has officially recognized as having practiced heroic virtue and lived a holy, faithful life worthy of imitation and who is in Heaven with God.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 2 1st Ed. > Unit 5

Lesson 6: Jesus Is Our Model of Holiness

Jesus invites us to become His disciples and follow Him by imitating His example, praying as He prays, and serving as He serves.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 4 1st Ed. > Unit 5

Lesson 7: The Four Loves

The Greeks identified four types of love.

Spirit of Truth, School Edition > Grade 4 1st Ed. > Unit 5

Lesson 8: Practicing the Works of Mercy

As Catholics, we are called to be Christ in the world and build His Kingdom through our actions.

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