Marriage and Divorce – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Lesson Overview

In this week’s Gospel passage Jesus is challenged by the Pharisees about marriage and divorce. Jesus’ teaching in response shapes and defines the Church’s understanding of marital love, the human person, and God. In this lesson, students will reflect on Pope St. John Paul II’s thesis for Theology of the Body.

Lesson Materials

Note: This Gospel refers to sensitive topics to discuss. Many students today come from different family situations that may include divorce and remarriage or single parents. It is important to be compassionate to these situations and affirm the goodness and love that God still brings forth from them. However, this does not minimize God’s original plan for humanity and marital love, which Jesus seeks to restore in our hearts.

Activity I

  1. Read the Gospel passage aloud to your students as they follow along.
  2. Discuss the focus and reflection questions with them as a class.

Focus Questions Answer Key

  1. What did Jesus say about how God made human beings from the beginning? He made us male and female.
  2. Jesus is teaching about marriage in the Gospel reading. He said, “What Gods has joined together, no human being must separate.” What do you think Jesus means by this? God is the one who makes the marriage. Marriage makes a man and a woman into one flesh. God Himself has made this bond, so no human being can break it.
  3. Who was the crowd bringing to see Jesus? Children.
  4. What does Jesus teach “belongs” to those who are like children? The Kingdom of God.

Activity II

  1. Have your students complete the reflection on The Kingdom of God worksheet
  2. Then, have your students draw a picture of them with God, their Heavenly Father in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

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